Empowering the Edges
About Us
The Decentralization Foundation (d24n for short) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded to promote decentralizing technology, educate the world on its potential, and fund research to improve it.
Technology and Society

Technology has been an important part of the dramatic drop in extreme poverty, increase in literacy and basic education, and spread of democracy worldwide; unfortunately technology has also contributed to growing disparities in wealth, opportunity, and economic security.

Decentralized technology can dramatically improve access to finance, facilitate commerce, and enable distributed organizations. We do not think this improvement is a given; a long-term goal of the organization is to ensure that decentralized technology improves the world we live in.

Who We Are

Chris Peel is the president and a director of d24n. He has degrees in electrical engineering, and is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Chris is a wireless physical-layer engineer and organizer of the Silicon Valley Ethereum meetup.

Steve Waldman is secretary, treasurer, and a director of d24n. He is a software developer and economics writer. His work at the blog Interfluidity has been cited by the New York Times, the Financial Times, and The Economist. He has taught financial modeling and corporate finance at the University of Kentucky, and is currently working on tools and applications for the Ethereum blockchain.

Elaine Ou is a director of d24n; she is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and a blockchain engineer at Global Financial Access in San Francisco. Previously she was a lecturer in the Electrical and Information Engineering department at the University of Sydney.

Jeff Flowers is vice president of d24n; he is a professor of chemistry at the College of San Mateo and holds a EdD from San Francisco State University as well as his MS in Physical Chemistry from University of California, Riverside. He has taught classes on blockchain technology in venues around the world.

Non-profit documents

The foundation has been granted 501(c)(3) status by the IRS. For transparency, here are documents related to our non-profit status: